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Mar 13, 2019 Sequential Filter - An Original Filtering Approach —由 ... Here length = 3, the closing price need to make 3 consecutive up's/down's, when the sequence happen the indicator output is equal to src, here the closing price, else the indicator is equal to its precedent value, hence removing other variations.The value of 3 is the value by default, this is because i have seen in the past that the average smallest variations period where in general of 3 bars. Profiting with Iron Condor Options (豆瓣) Iron Condor的结构是一个bull spread配一个Bear Spread。卖近价买远价,获得净收益。例如:现价在1000,你卖1200 call 买1225 call,卖 800 put 买 775 put, 由于在到期日价格不能同时在两个区域内(低于800同时高于1200),所以你实际上应该只需交其中一个option spread的保证金(如果交易所或经纪商肯的 … 《Diary Of A Professional Commodity Trader: Lessons From 21 ...

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